15 April 2008

The First Post! Or - 9:30 AM. What do people do at 9.30 AM?

Now playing: Antonio Vivaldi - Gloria In D: VIII Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
via FoxyTunes

Well, if they don't go to work or school or watch cartoons or sleep or masturbate, then evidently, they blog (though really, is there that much difference between those last two?).

Anyways, as this is the first post (1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) it's probably as good a time as any, indeed, a better time than any, to straighten out exactly what this blog is supposed to be about. Given its subtitle you may well have mis-interpreted this site as the web diary of some monstrous, laboratory produced conglomeration of sentient flesh, or Kim Kardashian, as she is known. Well, you'd be wrong, as said web diary is actually that of a recent female graduate (this girl right here) and her sad, depressing, horrifying, vilifying, stupefying, death-defying failure first to find a job, and then even to find the will to continue looking.

Rapidly losing her looks, her figure and her youth to the forces of inertia, the graduate girl's once sharp mind atrophies into a pale, mirthless mush, exerting its sleepy grey cells only so far as the task of cruising ebay or watching comedy YouTube videos demands. How much of her life has been given over to the archives of those damn Lolcats doesn't even bear thinking about. I can has my soul back? ZOMG lol!

And so, this blog is intended to chronicle the non-events of this strange, yet not uncommon, situation of a life in limbo. And to give the poor creature something to do.

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